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Partnered with

e3 Systems


Starlink provides global Maritime coverage for all boats of all sizes with up to 220Mbps download speeds while at sea! The technology can provide high-bandwidth data transfers, reliable communications, and low latency for mission-critical operations. The cost effectiveness of Starlink Maritime is attractive to shipping and logistics companies, as it enables them to reduce operational costs and increase efficiency. Captains and crew members can enjoy high-speed connections on their computers, phones, iPads, and other devices while on-board your vessel.

High – Bandwidth Data Transfers

Reliable Communications

Low Latency

Where does AA Networks come in?

Manage Policies

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) requires all yachts over 500 gross tons to have a cybersecurity plan in their ISM. AA Networks provides policies and best practices to ensure your vessel & crew stay completely compliant while at sea.   

Cybersecurity Solutions

From risk Assessments, Microsoft 365 Defender, to Virtual CISO capabilities, AA Networks has you covered in a variety of ways to support your IT Security infrastructure and posture. We analyze the whole attack surface of the yacht to ensure complete protection.  

24/7 Protection

We provide 24/7 endpoint protection on all your devices while onboard. Via Microsoft 365 Defender your laptops, workstations, iPads, iPhones, Androids, and more will be protected at sea! Work seamlessly as our team will monitor and act in case any cyber threat may occur.  

Global Maritime Coverage

Starlink service is now global, providing connectivity to the vast majority of the Earth’s oceans and seas. Deliveries are available in most countries where Starlink provides service.


We remotely monitor and manage your Starlink fleet from a single portal.

Starlink implements end-to-end encryption to protect your data and confidentiality of user data.


Daily Monitoring

e3 Systems provides daily monitoring on your usage, set email alerts based on consumption, whether that’s at 50%, 90% or 100% of your monthly data.

Automatic Overage Data

Opt In or Out of automatic overage data (where you can pay $2.50 per GB when you exceed your set data plan). You will receive a email each time $1,000 of data is used thereafter.

Activate Usage Alerts

We will send you reminders by email when you reach 50%, 90% and 100% of your chosen plan, along with, the ability to check your billing history and pay invoices.


With faster internet speeds and better bandwidth connectivity, it can expose your network to a wider range of possible cyber threats and hackers if not securely protected. AA Networks offers a complete cybersecurity package for your vessel and crew. Our solutions provide 24/7 threat protection and monitoring, endpoint protection for all your devices, and an experienced cyber team to keep you & your crew members secure throughout your journey no matter where you are in the world.

We manage policy, implement security controls, and keep you compliant with the latest government standards and security frameworks. With AA Networks managed security we make maritime security a seamless process and keep your crews and vessels secure whether you’re online, or offline!